Social Proofs by Assistantly
Social Proofs turns your website into the online equivalent of a trusted store!
Assistantly is a one-click app that creates social proofs by displaying key customer behaviors in real time.
Increase conversion
Increase conversion rate by showing other customers that have bought products
Create a sense of trust for visitors
Real TIme
Display clients orders in the real time to create valuable social proofs
How it works?
Social Proofs by Assistantly displays recent orders on your storefront. It's the online equivalent of a busy store, showing prospective customers that other people are buying your products.
Learn more about Social Proofs by Assistantly
Our features
Here's a few reason Social Proofs works in the store:
The app works just after the installation complete by importing the orders for last 7 days
New order is added to the app in the real time
Assistantly tracks every store visitor to show different notifications for each client
Remove individual notifications
Works on mobile too!
Easy customization of the notification text, style and display time
See how your customers interact with notifications
Designed for Ecwid
Make your business with Ecwid and Social Proofs
Ecwid is the best e-commerce platform for a starter businessman. A lot of merchants and high growth rates were the main reasons for us to choose Ecwid as the main platform for Social Proofs!
Visit Ecwid
Start to increase sales with Social proofs
We are ready to start right now
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